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Personal Story 06.04.2024

7 Things I Wish I’d Known About Social Anxiety 20 Years Ago

I battled social anxiety disorder for over 20 years before finally overcoming it. Over that time, I learned a lot of valuable lessons. These are some of the things that I wish someone could’ve told me when I was first going through the struggle.
Personal Story 06.24.2023

Writing Saved Me

My name is Jamie and I battle anxiety—social anxiety—and depression. As I write this, I am 18 and it's the middle of June. I'm going to college in a few months, which is something I never thought was possible.
Personal Story 05.10.2023

Every Breath I Take

I have severe anxiety disorder with agoraphobia and panic disorder. These disorders made me have to change my life in many ways. You gotta keep fighting, stay positive, do things that don't frighten you until you beat the fear.
Personal Story 04.03.2023

Managing My Mental Health Journey

Remember that healing takes time, but it is possible. With the right tools and support, you can overcome your struggles and live a happy and fulfilling life.
Personal Story 01.09.2023

Believe in yourself, you CAN get out of dark world of depression/anxiety

Despite seeing so many doctors, nothing concrete was coming out in the medical diagnosis. Slowly and steadily, I crafted a strategy to fight the situation. I believed that all these negativities around me can be overcome by positivity and focusing on the good things.
Personal Story 01.09.2023

To All Who Struggle Silently

Hi to all who struggle every day. I've been struggling with anxiety, panic attacks and depression for most my life. I have been struggling since I was a child with these disorders and have seen terrible downward spirals.

Personal Story 01.06.2023

My Three Steps: How I Went from Socially Anxious to Socially Confident

You might think being able to strategize is a good thing, but when it involves hours and hours of time thinking of ways to get out of having to ask a question, give a presentation, speak up in class, and generally avoid most social interaction, it can be detrimental.
Personal Story 05.25.2022

In The Life of Sam

Every day is a bit of a struggle. Dealing with anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, social anxiety, and ADD isn’t easy.
Personal Story 04.14.2022

Living with Anxiety

I created this video because, for as long as I can remember, mental health has been a daily factor in my life-- something which has weighed me down at times and made me want to hide from the world.

Personal Story 10.16.2020

Conquering Mountains

In 2014, I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder.  Although I received the diagnosis when I was twenty-seven, it was something I always struggled with.