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Personal Story 06.14.2021

Journey to Recovery

Throughout my journey and the years since, I’ve tried many different strategies to get better including self-help strategies and websites like ADAA for information on what depression is, to formal treatment options including medication, talk therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and peer support groups.
Personal Story 06.10.2021

35 Mile Run to Help Raise Money for ADAA

While many around me do not know, I am no stranger to anxiety myself. I suffer daily from OCD and I am in a constant battle to control it. I understand the importance of having the right resources and access to information to learn how to overcome mental illness.
Webinar 06.07.2021

Thriving with Anxiety and Depression

Learn how to boost your wellbeing, happiness, and life satisfaction despite anxiety or depression. With ADAA member Dr. Ashley Smith. On-demand after July 23.
Personal Story 06.03.2021

Losing Someone You Love to Depression

My oldest brother Peter struggled for decades with depression. He could not find help from antidepressant medication or other available treatment methods. Eventually, he died by suicide, leaving many questions unanswered. For years, I wondered why he could not be treated effectively and how could people like him be helped in the future before it is too late?
Blog post 05.26.2021

Is My Child Depressed?

About 3% of US children aged 2-17 are depressed, and 7% have an anxiety disorder. The good news is, there’s a lot that you can do to help your child if they’re depressed. The first step is to know the signs that may mean that your child is unhappy.
Personal Story 05.19.2021

If We Could See Mental Health

I wasn’t normal, but somehow, to the world and medical spreadsheets I was, “just an average kid with anxiety” and not a kid who desperately needed help.
Personal Story 05.19.2021

Not Broken

I am starting to see that I can find my voice by helping others realize they are NOT BROKEN. 
Personal Story 05.07.2021

My Practice of LifeLines

Founding Melissa & Doug sparked my first “dot moment” in realizing I had capacity to forge my profound darkness into radiant light.  I had believed that my innate darkness could only incite more darkness, but now saw that it could be channeled into engaging toys and unleash imagination.
Personal Story 05.03.2021

My Stroke Story

I want to advocate for stroke survivors to get immediate and comprehensive support for their emotional well-being. And I want to inspire someone battling depression to ask for help. I
Personal Story 05.03.2021

Living with 2020 Vision

Even before 2020, I dealt with my fair share of depression. I had recently graduated with a B.A. in Journalism and was forced to move back home, unemployed.
Blog post 04.27.2021

Depression: An Outsider Looks Inward

My friend’s phone call left me stunned and shaken. She had just been released from the hospital, where she had been admitted for suicidal ideation. “Suicidal ideation” was an unfamiliar term to me, but I could easily figure what it meant.