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Blog post 08.23.2022

Providing OCD Clients with a Choice

With the emergence of I-CBT (which is not new, just new to many of us), we have additional options (for treating OCD). This does not mean we are throwing away other effective treatments like ERP and ACT. In fact, we are doing the opposite!  We have more tools  to provide clients to make sure they have the highest chance for success.
Blog post 06.03.2022

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive

It is natural to seek some reassurance when confronted with uncertainty. Reassurance can help to calm a doubt, allay a worry, solidify a plan of action, or guide a decision. 
Blog post 02.01.2022

Managing COVID-19 Fears as Mental Health Professionals

Many mental health professionals are now conducting patient visits virtually. I am one of the only psychologists left in my building who has stayed behind to continue in-person work while abiding by COVID protocols. Since our practice specializes in refractory OCD spectrum disorders and anxiety disorders a lot of the work done at our outpatient clinic requires in-vivo exposures, which cannot be replicated on Zoom.
Blog post 10.12.2021

The Power of Saying, “Whatever"

I’m a psychologist who treats OCD and Anxiety Disorders. When my patients get to a point in treatment when they shrug their shoulders and say to me, “Yeah, I had an intrusive thought, but ‘Whatever”, I know we have hit a home run.
Blog post 03.07.2021

The Many Masks of OCD

ADAA Member Eda Gorbis, PhD, LMFT shares information about the various forms of OCD and the best treatment options.