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Blog post 04.09.2020

Tele-mental Health and the Coronavirus

Overnight the world changed. Public health terms have become common phrases; we hear people talking about flattening the curve and social distancing. Scientists have become household names, with Dr.

Blog post 03.12.2020

How to Talk to Your Anxious Child or Teen About Coronavirus

Fear, uncertainty, and anxiety are bound to be heightened with wide-scale disease outbreaks that are contagious, particularly when they involve a new, previously unknown disease-causing agent, as is the case with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Blog post 03.10.2020

Moving Against the OCD Worry Monster

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) often wears down children and parents.  Prior to beginning treatment, parents often state that they can no longer understand or recognize their child.  They see their child as being rigid, stuck, and exhausting.

Blog post 05.15.2019

ADAA Member Experts Debunk Common Anxiety Myths #MythBusters

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, Drs. Debra Kissen and Kevin Chapman hosted a Twitter chat under the title #MythBusters where they debunked common myths surrounding anxiety and provided the actual corresponding facts.

Blog post 04.24.2019

Separation Anxiety - What Parents Should Know

Separation anxiety is something that most parents know about. Many parents will fondly recall the days when their infant could be held by anyone and then recount that there was a time with their child when this changed.