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Article 10.27.2009

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function.
Article 10.27.2009


Signs and Symptoms of GAD include: Feeling nervous, irritable, or on edge;
Article 10.19.2009

Specific Phobias

Although people with phobias realize that their fear is irrational, even thinking about it can often cause extreme anxiety.
Article 10.19.2009

Social Anxiety Disorder

What is Social Anxiety Disorder? The defining feature of social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia, is intense anxiety or fear of being judged, negatively evaluated, or rejected in a social or performance situation.
Blog post 06.27.2024

The Difference Between Planning and Worrying

Lately, I’ve been noticing the ways that, despite decades of studying worry, my mind can trick me into a ruminative spiral by telling me I am planning or preparing rather than uselessly worrying.
Blog post 06.12.2024

How and Why Therapy Prevented Anxiety During the Pandemic

"At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself overwhelmed with anxiety. I was rightfully worried about the transition of over 500 individuals and families to telehealth... To my very pleasant surprise, my anxieties did not come to fruition." Read Dr. Rosmarin's findings about how in person and telehealth therapy helped prevent patient's anxiety during the pandemic.
Blog post 06.04.2024

The Myth of the Carefree Summer

Instead of striving for the elusive “best summer ever,” focus on creating a meaningful, enriched, and engaged summer experience. Here are my top 10 tips to help you live your summer to the fullest on your own terms.
Blog post 06.01.2024

Order of Canada Recipient & Daughter Share Clinical Interests, Career Paths and ADAA Benefits: In Conversation with ADAA Members Gordon Asmundson, PhD and Aleiia Asmundson, BA

Aleiia Asmundson might just be the youngest person to have ever attended an ADAA conference. Her father, renowned Canadian psychologist and professor, Gordon J. G. Asmundson, PhD, brought his daughter to ADAA conferences when she was a toddler, which may have influenced her decision to follow in her father’s footsteps.
Blog post 05.27.2024

Talking to Your Child About Suicide

Suicide rates in teens have been steadily on the rise over the past two decades, and data from the 2021 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that approximately 22% of teens reported suicidal thoughts and 10% of teens reported doing something to try to end their life in the past 12 months.