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Personal Story 10.18.2011

Undiagnosed for Decades

Holly Youmans Kammier GAD Personal StoryI've suffered from generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, coupled with panic attacks for more than two decades.

My first major attack struck during a bathroom break in the 7th grade. As I fought waves of nausea and shaky confusion, I feared I was the same as my bipolar father.

Feeling intense shame and a nagging fear that people would think my attacks were all in my head, I decided to hide my symptoms from even my closest friends and family.
Personal Story 12.10.2010

Childhood Panic—and Hope

It started at the onset of puberty, when I was 11 years old. I was at school, watching my older sister load the school bus to be taken away to 6th-grade camp. Suddenly a wave of panic overcame me. I don't recall my physical symptoms other than a racing heart and nausea.

I?m trying to get off medication so I can have a baby. It's been tough and I've experienced many setbacks, but I haven't given up.
Personal Story 10.29.2010

Ending the Nightmare

Michael Timmermann, personal storyAn excellent student, a talented singer and musician, a competitive athlete.

Shortly after beginning CBT, I was able to discontinue medication and stop seeing a therapist.
Personal Story 11.23.2009

My Silent Child

My 5-year old boy has a cherub's face with a hint of mischief in his beautiful green eyes. Brian dances to silly music and entertains us with his antics. He tells his brother to leave him alone and he teases his sister while she does her homework.

The only difference between Brian and most other children is that while he is at school, he is mute.
Personal Story 11.20.2009

My Childhood OCD

My experience with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) began in the summer I was seven years old. My father was planning a vacation to Florida with his girlfriend, my five-year-old brother, and me. I was so excited about seeing the beach and feeling real sand for the first time.

I spent hours in the bathroom scrubbing my hands raw. I felt that if I didn't take part in this routine, my mother would die. I forced myself to eat foods that I absolutely hated.
Personal Story 11.19.2009

My Story of Survival: Battling PTSD

It is a continuous challenge living with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and I've suffered from it for most of my life. I can look back now and gently laugh at all the people who thought I had the perfect life.

I'm no longer at the mercy of my PTSD, and I would not be here today had I not had the proper diagnosis and treatment. It's never too late to seek help.