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Dr. Elizabeth Penela is a bilingual licensed psychologist who earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University of Miami.

Personal Story 04.03.2023

Managing My Mental Health Journey

Remember that healing takes time, but it is possible. With the right tools and support, you can overcome your struggles and live a happy and fulfilling life.
Personal Story 03.23.2023

Doing My Mental Health A Favor

I’ve learned that small momentum-based habits that I incorporate into my daily routine – and it’s a constant work in progress – like exercise, eating cleaner, meditating, limiting screen time, and journaling help keep my physical and mental health in check.

Dr. Tamar Gordon is the Founder and Clinical Director of the Gordon Therapy Group ( in New York. A graduate of Harvard University, St.

Dr. Tamar Gordon is the Founder and Clinical Director of the Gordon Therapy Group ( in New York.  A graduate of Harvard University, St.

Blog post 10.06.2022

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and Men: What to Know and How it Differs

Body Dysmorphic Disorder is an unhealthy preoccupation with not just the look, shape, or feel of one’s body or a specific part, but the shame one experiences in the appearance of their body, or a certain aspect of it, really hits the mark. BDD is a chronic condition that can be debilitating and can disrupt various aspects of the person’s day-to-day life for years.
Blog post 05.11.2022

Rethinking "Mental" Health

What would it be like if we approached mental health the same way we do physical health? If we normalized it. Everyone – every single human being with a human brain – needs to focus on psychological well-being.