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Article 01.18.2018

Girls and Teens

Studies show that nearly a quarter of teenage girls display depressive symptoms and that over two-thirds of teenagers taking antidepressants are girls
Article 01.16.2018

Eating Disorders


Personal Story 05.22.2017

Kayleigh's Story

KayleighPic.jpgI have battled more at the age of 25 than most humans do in a lifetime. Take a moment to think of the most dreadfully painful experience you have had – I can empathize with you.

Article 04.21.2017

Child and Adolescent SIG

Creates a place for clinicians and researchers to discuss, debate, and address issues relevant to the understanding and treatment of childhood anxiety and mood disorders. 
Page 09.22.2016

What Does Not Cause OCD

People who have OCD did not do anything to cause it. And it isn’t caused by the way parents raise their children. OCD is a neurobiological disorder — not a condition that is caused by action or inaction.

Here are some common misperceptions about the causes of OCD:

Page 05.25.2016

Keynote and Ross Lecture

Keynote Speakers & Jerilyn Ross Lecture

Keynote Speaker

Addressing Mental Health: A Time That's Come