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Blog post 06.19.2020

Body Dysmorphic Disorder and the Impact of COVID-19 and Quarantine

Body Dysphoric Disorder (BDD) is described as the disease of “self- perceived ugliness” or “self-imagined ugliness.” It is also seen as a distressing preoccupation with one or more physical non-existence “defects.” In the DSM-5, BDD is classified under Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders.

Blog post 06.06.2020

Protests, Racism and Our Children: Helping Kids Cope

Images of the murder of Black Americans, discussions about systemic racism, sirens blaring, crowds protesting, curfews, fires. It’s tough for adults to make sense of the hurt in the world right now, but how do we help our children and teens with it?

Webinar 06.05.2020

The SPACE Program: How Parents Can Help Children Overcome Anxiety

This webinar presents attendees with an overview of family accommodation and its associations with child anxiety and provide an introduction to the SPACE Program. Clinical trials in anxiety and OCD support the ability of SPACE to reduce family accommodation children's symptoms. Results of a recently completed funded randomized clinical trial of SPACE are presented and discussed.
Page 06.03.2020

COVID-19 Webinars and Blog Posts

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, ADAA members have been creating helpful tips and strategies through webinars and blog posts for both the professional and public communities.  Please share these resources (updated daily) with your communities.
Blog post 06.03.2020

Coping with Grief During the Pandemic

Grief is a natural multifaceted reaction to loss.

We all have the capacity to adapt to even the most difficult loss.

Recognize that grief contains love; try to let it in and not push it away. 

Article 05.18.2020


Body Dysmorphic Disorder Resources
Blog post 05.17.2020

Learning to Live Well with Worry

The only thing certain in life is, seemingly, uncertainty. These days, especially, we don’t need to look very far to find uncertainty.

Webinar 05.11.2020

Managing the Roller Coaster of Emotions During COVID-19

The threats to our health, economy, and relationships caused by COVID-19 are unprecedented. For many people, this has created not only extreme anxiety, but also feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion. In this webinar, Dr.