Recorded Webinar

Elizabeth McGinvale, OCD
July 8, 2020
Elizabeth McIngvale, PhD and

Anxiety across the globe is at an all-time high with a pandemic that has brought fear and uncertainty to all. For individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), there has been a risk for increased symptoms, due to COVID-19 and increased isolation.

Racial Trauma, PTSD, and Health Equity: Understanding Racism as a Public Health Pandemic
July 2, 2020
Sierra Carter, PhD and
This webinar provides an overview of the ways in which racial discrimination impacts the health and well-being of Black Americans, a marginalized population that disproportionately experiences racial health disparities influenced by race-related stress. This webinar also further elucidate the importance of examining racial discrimination in the conceptualization of trauma experiences and treatments.
Healing Invisible Wounds
June 29, 2020
Burke Garrett and

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a national public health challenge that disproportionately affects those who served our nation. Although the diagnosis has its roots in combat, the medical community now recognizes that PTSD affects civilians and service members alike.

Positive Behavioral Strategies in Exposure Practice
August 27, 2020
Erika Vivyan, PhD and
Participants discussed and learned to apply behavioral principles from Parent Management Training (PMT) and Parent-Child Interaction Training (PCIT) to Exposure and Response Prevention. Then, participants discussed a case example involving behavioral treatment for Selective Mutism, Separation Anxiety Disorder, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
SPACE Program
June 8, 2020
Yaara Shimshoni, PhD and
Eli Lebowitz, PhD and
This webinar presents attendees with an overview of family accommodation and its associations with child anxiety and provide an introduction to the SPACE Program. Clinical trials in anxiety and OCD support the ability of SPACE to reduce family accommodation children's symptoms. Results of a recently completed funded randomized clinical trial of SPACE are presented and discussed.
Medical Marijuana Laws & Evidence for Harmful/Beneficial Effects in Depression and Anxiety Disorders
May 28, 2020
Telemental Health & The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Basics
May 15, 2020