
How Common is PTSD?

Did you know that approximately 8% of the general population experiences PTSD? Today is PTSD Screening Day and ADAA member Dr. Arash Javanbakht‘s video offers important insights on the prevalence of PTSD. Help spread awareness and support those affected by using #PTSDAwareness #BreakTheStigma #MentalHealthSupport

How PTSD Changes the Brain

Ever wonder how PTSD changes the brain? This PTSD Awareness Month,  Dr. Arash Javanbakht, a renowned psychiatrist and ADAA member, sheds light on the fascinating neuroscience behind PTSD in this insightful video. Gain a deeper understanding of the brain's response to trauma and the potential for healing. 

What is ERP like for Contamination OCD

Ben Eckstein, LCSW, discusses the use of exposure and response prevention (ERP) when treating contamination obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). He explains hierarchies, which are the ratings of triggers that cause the least amount of anxiety to the most amount anxiety. 

Presented in partnership with Anxiety and Depression Association of American (ADAA) and the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF). For more resources, please visit

Exposure Response Prevention: An Example of How It Works

Throstur Bjorgvinsson, PhD, ABPP, gives an example of Exposure with Response Prevention, creating a hierarchy, doing exposures, and more. Presented in partnership with Anxiety and Depression Association of American (ADAA) and the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF). 

Presented in partnership with Anxiety and Depression Association of American (ADAA) and the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF). For more resources, please visit

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Throstur Bjorgvinsson, PhD, ABPP, explains that cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a form of psychotherapy. It is effective in treating many different disorders, though CBT is done differently for different disorders. 

Presented in partnership with Anxiety and Depression Association of American (ADAA) and the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF). For more resources, please visit