Clinical Practice

Doing Affirmative Cognitive Behavior Therapy with LGBTQ+ Youth and Their Families
June 7, 2024
Jeff Cohen, PsyD and
Ilana Seager van Dyk, PhD and
This CE eligible webinar with Jeffrey Cohen, PsyD and Ilana Seager van Dyk PhD, aims to provide attendees with the basic tools needed to use evidence-based clinical practice (i.e., CBT) with LGBTQ+ youth and their families using an affirming, minority stress-informed lens.
Becoming a Media Savvy Professional: Best Practices for Effective and Ethical Communication with Reporters
May 21, 2024
Simon Rego, PsyD, ABPP, A-CBT and
L. Kevin Chapman, PhD and
Anne Marie Albano, PhD, ABPP and
Melissa G. Hunt, PhD and
Learning how to interact with reporters successfully can go a long way toward minimizing negative outcomes and can help us all promote evidence based clinical science. The panel presenters all have extensive experience working with a variety of media outlets and understand potential power clinical psychologists have to educate lay people, improve public health and even influence social policy.
The Myth of "Having it All"  - Professional Development Webinar
March 1, 2023
Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT and
Beth Salcedo, MD and
Krystal Lewis, PhD - ADAA Board Member and

The Myth of “Having it All:” Finding your Work-Life Rhythm for Female- and Women-Identified Mental Health Care Professionals


Alternative Taxonomies to the DSM 5 with a Focus on Internalizing Symptoms - Metal Health Professional Webinar
May 4, 2023
Antonia Kaczkurkin, PhD and
This May 4th live webinar will introduce participants to the concerns raised about our current mental health classification system (DSM-5), to become familiar with the research exploring alternative taxonomies, and to understand how this may impact the future classification of internalizing disorders (anxiety and depressive disorders) in particular.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Regret - Professional Mental Health Webinar
March 23, 2023
Robert L. Leahy, PhD and
The webinar will review how specific assumptions that underlie decision making make us more vulnerable to regret.
Science and Media in the Pandemic: Psychologists and the Media
September 28, 2021
Shane Owens, PhD and
Kristin Bianchi, PhD and
L. Kevin Chapman, PhD and
Simon Rego, PsyD, ABPP, A-CBT and
In this webinar, four psychologists discuss their activities across media outlets.
Cultural Humility Webinar
November 19, 2020
Hong Nguyen, PhD and
Elizabeth Sauber, PhD. and
Cultural/diversity issues play a significant role in therapy. Reported experiences of microaggressions in the therapeutic setting are common among patients seeking mental health treatment (Davis et al., 2016) and among mental health providers (deMayo, 1997). Microaggressions have been associated with lack of treatment engagement (Crawford, 2011) and poor working alliance (Owen et al., 2010).
Fall Forum - anxiety and worry in youth
October 29, 2020
Sandra S. Pimentel, PhD and
Mona Potter, MD and
Krystal Lewis, PhD - ADAA Board Member and
Lynn Lyons, LICSW and
Jamie Micco, PhD, ABPP and
John T. Walkup, MD and