
Elisa Nebolsine, LCSW

The virus has upended the world as we know it, and kids are struggling.  Kids were not meant to live this way.  None of us were meant to live this way, but as a child therapist, I have a specia

During this time of national crisis, we must manage two things simultaneously: 1) Protect ourselves from the Coronavirus

Dr. Lindsay Israel

If you engage in some positive distracting activities during this crisis, then the flow of the day will move like a steady stream rather than a slow drip.

Stephanie Woodrow, LCPC, NCC

As I was being discharged from the hospital after an 11-day stay, a friend texted me: “The hard part’s over!” In one sense she was correct – I’d completed the antibiotics for COVID, my sepsis was gone, and my pneumonia and kidney function were improving. But that was just the physical battle.

Anna Bartuska BS/BA, Derri Shtasel, MD, MPH, Luana Marques, PhD

Though none are immune to COVID-19, the rippling impacts of the current pandemic are unequ

Soo Jeong Youn,PhD, Torrey A. Creed,PhD, Shannon Wiltsey Stirman, PhD, Luana Marques, PhD

In an already challenged, and often under-resourced mental health care system, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in mental health needs across the globe1,2.

Eric Goodman, PhD

Telling oneself not to be anxious during the COVID-19 pandemic is like trying to tell water not to be wet. These are anxious times.

Eric Goodman, PhD

Life in the time of a pandemic is difficult. Our lives have suddenly and dramatically narrowed while we try to avoid an invisible threat which has been spreading across our planet.

Mitchell Greene, PhD

If you are like most families with young children, these past few weeks have been filled with playing simple games, such as who can run the fastest from one side of the room to the other, or who can accurately recite the alphabet backwards.

Overnight the world changed. Public health terms have become common phrases; we hear people talking about flattening the curve and social distancing. Scientists have become household names, with Dr.