Learn some practical tips from two certified financial planners from BDF LLC (Kristina Caragiulo and Nick Cosky of BDF LLC in Chicago) on navigating your financial concerns during these challenging times. Also - learn from ADAA member and co-chair of the Public Education Committee - Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA - about how to cope with worries and fears about finances during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Future performance of any investment or wealth management strategy, including those recommended by Balasa Dinverno Foltz LLC (BDF), may not be profitable, suitable for you, prove successful or equal historical indices. Historical indices do not reflect the deduction of transaction, custodial or investment management fees, which would diminish results. Any historical index performance figures are for comparison purposes only and client account holdings will not directly correspond to any such data. BDF clients must, in writing, advise BDF of personal, financial or investment objective changes and any restrictions desired on BDF’s services so that BDF may re-evaluate its previous recommendations and adjust its investment advisory services. BDF’s current written disclosure statement discussing advisory services and fees is available for review at www.BDFLLC.com or upon request.