recorded webinar

Helping Your Child Face Their Fears and Worries Q&A

Child and Adolescent Anxiety QA
Thursday, February 29, 2024 12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm ET


Everyone worries: Kids, teens, and adults. When worries and fears interfere with your child/teen's life in a significant way, it can impact their ability to fully participate in school, make friends and generally enjoy life. Caregivers often want to help their child face fears but are not sure how to do that in a way that is both supportive and also encourages them to step outside of their comfort zone. Drs. Rachel Busman and Lynne Siqueland offer practical tips and strategies in this webinar.

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Presenter(s) Biography

Rachel Busman, PsyD, ABPP


Rachel Busman, PsyD, ABPP is a licensed clinical psychologist and the Senior Director of the Child & Adolescent Anxiety and Related Disorders Program at Cognitive and Behavioral Consultants (CBC). Dr. Busman has extensive experience providing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other evidenced-based treatment to children, teenagers and young adults struggling with anxiety disorders and other related mental health disorders. Dr. Busman works intensively with children who have selective mutism, and has created Voices Rising, an intensive group based program for SM. She also has a specific interest and expertise in the evaluation and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and specific phobias. 

Prior to joining CBC, Dr. Busman was the senior director of the Anxiety Disorders Center and Director of the Selective Mutism Service at the Child Mind Institute, in addition to the Director of Brave Buddies. Dr. Busman is the former president of the Selective Mutism Association, the nation’s largest network of professionals, families, and individuals with selective mutism. She is certified in PCIT-SM and is a within agency trainer. Dr. Busman is also certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology in Clinical Psychology and Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.


Lynne Siqueland, PhD


Lynne Siqueland, PhD is a psychologist at the Children’s Center for OCD and Anxiety and has been specializing in treating anxiety disorders in children and adolescents for over 20 years. She has extensive experience working with children of all ages beginning in the preschool years with a special interest in transition into adolescence and young adulthood. She has a special interest in guiding parents and teens through the transition into young adulthood of maintaining connection and closeness while encouraging and building autonomy and competence.  She also treats adults. Dr. Siqueland runs parent groups and gives public and professional presentations locally and nationally.

Dr. Siqueland received her Doctoral Degree from the Temple University Clinical Psychology Program under the direction of Dr. Philip Kendall.  Dr. Siqueland was a full faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, and Center for Psychotherapy Research for 8 years before entering private practice full time. Dr. Siqueland's clinical work and research publications focus on integrating individual CBT approaches with family work. Dr. Siqueland has published on the role of family interactional styles that can maintain anxiety and what promotes competence.

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