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Personal Story 03.31.2021

Conquering Panic Attacks and Reinventing Myself

Story of Triumph written by Tyler Ellis "Mental health issues can be debilitating and isolating; you may feel like you’re alone in this, but you’re not. If someone like me can overcome panic disorder and anxiety, so can you."
Blog post 03.07.2021

The Many Masks of OCD

ADAA Member Eda Gorbis, PhD, LMFT shares information about the various forms of OCD and the best treatment options.
Personal Story 02.22.2021

Why I Wrote a Solo Musical to Keep My OCD in Check

Many of us involved in the arts maintain a complicated tango with our mental health. For someone like me, a theatre director, actor and songwriter with lifelong OCD and anxiety, an overactive imagination has been a source of both severe difficulties and some of my most creative work.

Personal Story 12.10.2020

You Can Talk With Me About Mental Illness

At 31 years old, when my therapist told me that I had OCD, I thought, Ah, I get it now. This is what it feels like to have a breakthrough in therapy.
Blog post 06.19.2020

Body Dysmorphic Disorder and the Impact of COVID-19 and Quarantine

Body Dysphoric Disorder (BDD) is described as the disease of “self- perceived ugliness” or “self-imagined ugliness.” It is also seen as a distressing preoccupation with one or more physical non-existence “defects.” In the DSM-5, BDD is classified under Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders.

Personal Story 05.07.2020

My OCD Story

Growing up as a terrified Amish child was extremely difficult because I could not speak to anyone about my fears, nightmares, and personal illusions that were perceived as reality. My family did not believe in any form of expression or communication because we were in the strictest Amish sect.