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Webinar 11.10.2022

Alternative Taxonomies to the DSM 5 with a Focus on Internalizing Symptoms

This May 4th live webinar will introduce participants to the concerns raised about our current mental health classification system (DSM-5), to become familiar with the research exploring alternative taxonomies, and to understand how this may impact the future classification of internalizing disorders (anxiety and depressive disorders) in particular.
Blog post 11.03.2022

Mindful Meditation Works for Everyone

Meditation isn't just for yogis, mindful meditation is important for everyone to practice, and everyone can do it. Maybe you've tried it once and didn't feel like it went well—don't throw in the towel just yet. Meditation is simple and anybody can be successful at it.
Webinar 10.24.2022

A Safe Space - Men's Mental Health

This free webinar explores the signs, symptoms, and possible treatments of anxiety and depression in men. Attendees will leave the webinar with a better understanding of how to support men, tools to support mental health, and how to start talking about mental health to break the stigma.
Personal Story 10.19.2022

Unsaid Feelings Never Left Unsaid nor Unheard

 And I will write. I will write until it hurts no more. I will write until the agony left expressed like a historic event that needs to be recorded hoping that like words, it can also be erased, edited, and forever saved.
Webinar 10.17.2022

Managing Election Stress

Anxiety and stress related to politics and elections affects us all. ADAA partners with Menninger to bring you this webinar. It provides tips and best practices for managing your political stress and anxiety during and after the mid-term election.