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Webinar 11.05.2021

Apps for Anxiety and Depression

While apps are not a replacement for seeing a licensed professional, they can be a starting point for getting support, an add-on to treatment you are already receiving, and/or a helpful tool to have in your back pocket to help you stay on top of your overall wellness. 
Personal Story 10.22.2021

The Light

I’ve learned to cherish my time with my family. I’ve learned to reach out for help when I need it. I’ve learned no one will think I’m weak if I share my feelings or ask for help. I’ve learned the importance of being healthy and happy.
Personal Story 10.19.2021

Creative Struggles

Allowing myself to open up to a professional really helped flush out everything I felt inside. For a while I thought sulking in my own thoughts would be healthy but you end up drowning. You need to give yourself to someone who can help correct the way you look at the world.
Personal Story 10.18.2021

Changing the Future of Mental Health and Athletics

A panic attack derailed baseball player China McCarney's plans for competition. Years later, he's learned how to cope with his anxiety and is inspiring athletes around the world to do the same.
Blog post 10.12.2021

The Power of Saying, “Whatever"

I’m a psychologist who treats OCD and Anxiety Disorders. When my patients get to a point in treatment when they shrug their shoulders and say to me, “Yeah, I had an intrusive thought, but ‘Whatever”, I know we have hit a home run.
Personal Story 10.05.2021

Nina - A Short Film on Anxiety

Why is it that artists so often depict two autonomous versions of the self? The self leaning on the sink and the self reflected in the mirror. The self pacing the kitchen in a frenzy and the self calmly seated at the table.