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Blog post 04.15.2021

Autism and Anxiety Disorders: Part 1 - A Guest Blog Post from SPARK

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders affecting those on the autism spectrum. Anxiety can cause extreme fear, dread, sweating, restlessness, and even chest pain. “A lot of us do experience anxiety, and we struggle with it in our own ways,” says Jairo E.

Personal Story 08.21.2020

I Wore My Heart on My Sleeves - Edison's Story

This is why I’m so passionate about this topic. Imagine if there was a way to help the other 7.7 million youth suffering from a mental health disorder before it led to something as damaging as suicide?
Personal Story 08.21.2019

Kennedy's Story

I was in the 10th grade when it happened.  I was in school and I had a massive anxiety attack.

Personal Story 01.22.2019


MARE is a fashion label centered on owning struggles, failures, darkness, night’MARE’s and using them to drive success, growth and positivity. We urge our community to take action, pulling oneself out of a negative space and into a positive state. Life ain’t fair, but what are you going to do about it? 
Personal Story 05.25.2017

Stressed Out?

Rivka.pngRivka Bennun is a fourteen year old freshman at Shulamith High School for Girls in Cedarhurst, NY.