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Webinar 02.17.2021

¿Qué es la depresión? (What is Depression)

En esta conferencia por Internet, estaremos discutiendo qué es la depresión clínica, con qué condiciones se ve asociada y quiénes estan a riesgo.  Además, se discutirá cuándo buscar ayuda de un profesional.

Blog post 02.17.2021

How to Know When to Seek Therapy

by Lynne Siqueland People often wonder. When does it make sense to begin therapy? Therapists use two primary reasons to see if treatment would be recommended.
Personal Story 12.10.2020

You Can Talk With Me About Mental Illness

At 31 years old, when my therapist told me that I had OCD, I thought, Ah, I get it now. This is what it feels like to have a breakthrough in therapy.
Personal Story 12.03.2020

Toxic Support - A Story of Art and Depression Awareness

“Toxic Support” is a series of 12 illustrated posters dedicated to revealing the toxicity of phrases people say to someone with depression. This is a self-initiated social project, the idea for which came to me after e

Quote of the day must be a long text or does it? Just have fun!
Page 11.02.2020

Depression FAQs

Learn about the signs, symptoms, and treatment options.
Webinar 10.16.2020

The Practice of Cultural Humility: Addressing Privilege, Stereotypes, Biases, and Microaggressions in the Therapeutic Context

Cultural/diversity issues play a significant role in therapy. Reported experiences of microaggressions in the therapeutic setting are common among patients seeking mental health treatment (Davis et al., 2016) and among mental health providers (deMayo, 1997). Microaggressions have been associated with lack of treatment engagement (Crawford, 2011) and poor working alliance (Owen et al., 2010).