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Personal Story 06.18.2024

From Darkness to Light: My OCD Story

I encountered my first obsessive thought when I was about 10 years old, centered around God and religion. As a shy kid, I kept these feelings to myself... But in my suffering with OCD, I found my passion and community. I made it my life goal to help others with OCD.
Personal Story 06.18.2024

A Black or Biracial Woman's Mental Health Nightmare

I was diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder at the age of 23. I went on to work for many years, marry, divorce, and have three children. And in my 30s I added anxiety and schizoaffective disorder to my mental health repertoire.
Personal Story 06.13.2024

Courage Unveiled: My Journey with Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Thus began my journey to explore GAD more deeply... Along the way, I found the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. I read shared stories, explored resources, and joined a forum full of people like me; a safe space. This community became a beacon of light and a much-needed outlet.
Personal Story 06.11.2024

Healing Through Helping: A Newfound Purpose To Cultivate Authentic Friendships

This story isn’t just about the struggles, it’s about the next stage of my self-improvement process. It’s about an enlightening understanding that I now realize might be the key to OCD recovery, not just for myself, but for others as well. This being the realization that authentic friendship and genuine community, in complement with therapy and medication, is what truly drives OCD recovery.
Personal Story 06.04.2024

7 Things I Wish I’d Known About Social Anxiety 20 Years Ago

I battled social anxiety disorder for over 20 years before finally overcoming it. Over that time, I learned a lot of valuable lessons. These are some of the things that I wish someone could’ve told me when I was first going through the struggle.
Personal Story 05.21.2024

Depression Doesn’t Mean Defeat - Don't Give Up!

If you’re feeling hopeless, worthless, like a burden or disappointment, or stuck and filled with despair thinking no one understands or cares; don’t believe those lies. There is a purpose for your life - there is a purpose for this pain. Don’t miss your future by choosing to end it in this dark season of your life.
Personal Story 05.11.2024

Shadows Over Sunshine

I know the road to recovery is long and fraught with challenges, but with the support of my community and the solidarity of those who share my struggle, I am committed to changing the narrative. I am no longer alone, and together, we are stepping out of the shadows to fight the unseen battles.
Personal Story 05.09.2024

Journey of Empowerment

The relentless cycle of worry and fear can be overwhelming, but it's also what drives me to advocate for mental health awareness and support.
Personal Story 04.24.2024

Living with OCD, Autism and Depression

I was diagnosed with OCD, autism, and depression. In elementary school, I always felt different—I didn't understand the people around me, and I was treated badly.
Personal Story 04.03.2024

Grateful For Today

My goal is to destigmatize the topics of mental health and addiction and to create awareness so that people suffering can ask for help, know they are not alone, and realize there is always hope.