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Personal Story 01.03.2023

Learning To Be Me Again

Having anxiety hasn't been easy. I learned that I have to be okay with uncertainty in my life and that not everything is always going to go the way I have planned in my head.
Personal Story 12.12.2022

A Teen's Story

I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression when I was 13. I found out what mental health was a couple of days later by having a panic attack. After going to a therapist my mental health was getting better. Two years later my cousin passed away in a car crash.

Personal Story 11.22.2022

Emotionally Numb

Well, there was something wrong with me and it wasn't until years later that I realized that I had become emotionally numb.  In the following years I read several self-help books that gave me hope and something to believe in but it took a very long time for my emotions to wake up. 
Personal Story 10.27.2022

Ending the Silence of Quiet Suffering

For six weeks, I quietly suffered. I just couldn’t let anyone know what I was going through. I had learned from an early age that “I was just too emotional” and “had nothing to be sad about.”
Personal Story 10.19.2022

Unsaid Feelings Never Left Unsaid nor Unheard

 And I will write. I will write until it hurts no more. I will write until the agony left expressed like a historic event that needs to be recorded hoping that like words, it can also be erased, edited, and forever saved.
Personal Story 10.06.2022

Finding My Own Silver Linings Playbook Through Mental Health Advocacy

Bachelor Clayton Echard shares his experience with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a mental health condition that involves obsessively focusing on a real or perceived flaw in one’s physical appearance to a point where it interferes with daily life. If you suffer from BDD, you can find information and resources at ADAA.