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Personal Story
Healing My Speaking Anxiety So I Can Empower Others
I, like many others, was led to believe that feeling the fear and doing it anyway was the answer, or that repetition would somehow make it magically go away. In my case, I needed to go inward and process childhood and adolescent traumas that had been unhealed in order to truly heal and release the fear.
Blog post
10 Strategies to Help Kids Manage Uncomfortable Emotions
In a world that values immediate gratification and ease, it can be challenging to teach kids how to tolerate these feelings without intentional practice.
Personal Story
Fearless Living: My Journey with Anxiety
I've battled severe anxiety for over 15 years. Through it all, I learned to live with my anxiety rather than trying to eliminate it completely. Now, at 42, I continue to live with anxiety, but on my terms.
Personal Story
Sobriety and Meditation: Finding My Purpose after Drug Abuse
Despite outward success, I had been abusing drugs and alcohol since middle school, a habit I developed to escape emotions I didn’t know how to handle. I knew I had to change or continue suffering indefinitely. Slowly, meditation became a habit, helping me manage my emotions better.
Blog post
“Is This All My Fault?” Addressing the Myth that CBT Blames People for Their Problems
An upsetting myth about Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) has been circulating online, saying that CBT “blames” individuals for their problems. Nothing could be further from the truth, and this profound misunderstanding could prevent people from seeking treatment that thousands of studies have demonstrated is effective in helping people get well and stay well.
Blog post
ADAA Member Book Blogs
Every quarter ADAA interviews three members for a blog that showcases new books by our esteemed experts.
Personal Story
Harm OCD Made Me a Pushover Parent
My OCD tells me that I am a bad mom. Sometimes the self-doubt actually paralyzes me. Or, the self-doubt has me scrambling to do too much. But the self-doubt noise has largely died down, and I have learned to ignore the intrusive thoughts that I am harming my children.
Taking the “Nervous” out of the Nervous System: Novel Treatment for Anxiety Disorders
This live webinar will provide a look at the nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) as it relates to learning, emotion, and behavior.
Personal Story
From Darkness to Light: My OCD Story
I encountered my first obsessive thought when I was about 10 years old, centered around God and religion. As a shy kid, I kept these feelings to myself... But in my suffering with OCD, I found my passion and community. I made it my life goal to help others with OCD.
A New Transdiagnostic Treatment Target for Child Anxiety: Independence
This roundtable of leaders in the field of child anxiety with the goal of discusses a refocusing of CBT on the construct of child independence to bring effective treatment to far more children, reduce clinician, parent, and child resistance to treatment, and increase effect sizes. IFT is described, and preliminary data on its effectiveness is presented. The role of resilience as an outcome of independence and a possible transdiagnostic mechanism in the treatment of child
anxiety is also discussed. How to adapt independence activities for children who live in inner-city, rural, and suburban settings is discussed.