
White knuckling is the term used to describe the process of fighting or powering through a situation that you find anxiety provoking.
Athletes will continue to work hard, push themselves, and make their bodies do things many of us can only marvel at, but the attention and awareness to mental health in the field of sports gives them a fighting chance with conditions like anxiety and depression.
Dating and anxiety Molly Lyda
March 1, 2023
Molly Lyda, MA, LMFT, LPCC and
For those with anxiety this free live webinar on March 1st will provide helpful and proven tips and practices to improve self-esteem while dating (or even in preparation for dating!) and learn to thrive while finding romantic love and partnership.
Yet another community is stricken with grief. In addition to those who are experiencing direct loss, such events also take a toll on others, including those who witnessed the shooting, first responders, people who were nearby and those who hear about it through the media.
lara effland debra kissen relationship OCD webinar
February 10, 2023
Lara Effland, LICSW, CEDS and
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
This webinar provides tips and strategies you can use to understand what Relationship OCD is and ways to start to work with your obsessions, worries, and fears.
Peer-to-peer online communities can be helpful when they are done in a sensitive, informative, and respectful way. That’s why we have partnered with Health Unlocked to host online mental health communities, promote patient empowerment, and allow for sharing experiences and personal stories.
Anxiety & Depression in sports - Athlete Mental Health Webinar
February 13, 2023
Clayton Echard and
L. Kevin Chapman, PhD and
The pressure facing athletes results in high rates of stress, anxiety, and depression. This free ADAA webinar is led by mental health professional L. Kevin Chapman, PhD and mental health advocate, Clayton Echard.
One of the most taboo topics in our culture is talking about how much money we have and how we spend our money.  If you are like most people, it is easier to tell your friends or therapist about your sexual experiences than to talk about your attitudes about money and spending habits.
About 4 to 6 percent of Americans suffer from nightmare disorder, also known as dream anxiety disorder, a sleep condition characterized by frequent nightmares.
Thank You from ADAA Executive Director Susan Gurley.