
Lindsay Israel, MD

Modern life keeps us very busy.

We find ourselves ignoring the fundamentals like our health, family, friends, community etc.

All that neglect causes dysfunction in our lives.

December 19, 2018
Deborah Ledley, PhD and

Many children and teens live in a world that is fast-paced and highly demanding in many spheres: school, social life, and family life. Sometimes the pressure comes from these outside forces, and other times the pressure comes from within. 

eating disorders
December 14, 2018
Jenni Schaefer and

“Does it ever get better?” those in eating disorder recovery often ask. Healing from an eating disorder can be such a long journey—with so many bumps along the way—that many feel hopeless and believe they might never recover.

Santa Claus & Ken Goodman, LCSW

If anyone knows how stressful the holiday season can be, it’s Santa Claus. I've often wondered how he's able to keep his cool when things are heating up at the North Pole. I recently interviewed Santa and asked him how he handles holiday stress. Here's what he had to say.

September 28, 2018
Karen G. Martinez, MD, MSC and

Depresión y ansiedad en niños: una discusión acerca de por qué es importante saber que la depresión y la ansiedad también puede ocurrir en niños, niñas y adolescentes por Karen G. Martinez 

September 28, 2018
Karen G. Martinez, MD, MSC and

Ataque de nervios: una breve explicación sobre lo que es ataque de nervios y cómo se relaciona a otras condiciones de salud mental por Karen G. Martínez

September 28, 2018
Bryan Balvaneda and

Preocupaciones: una introducción al concepto de preocupaciones para entender cuándo estas se convierten en un problema, con una breve introducción a tratamientos para las preocupaciones por Bryan Balvaneda

Las Fobias
September 28, 2018
Bryan Balvaneda and

Fobias: una discusión acerca de lo que son las fobias y cómo se pueden tratar por Bryan Balvaneda.

Shane G. Owens, PhD, ABPP

Welcome to the big leagues, kid. You’re an adult now with a new job. You’ve been working for this all your life. Don’t screw it up!

Sound familiar?

Rachel Busman, PsyD

October was Selective Mutism Awareness month. Even though the month is over, it’s still fresh enough on the mind to keep the conversation going, as Selective Mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder that deserves attention.