
February 17, 2021
Karen G. Martínez, MD, MSc and

En esta conferencia por Internet, estaremos discutiendo qué es la depresión clínica, con qué condiciones se ve asociada y quiénes estan a riesgo.  Además, se discutirá cuándo buscar ayuda de un profesional.

September 4, 2020
Kathariya Mokrue, PhD and
Mbemba Jabbi, PhD and

This webinar provides an overview of the cumulative, inter-generational, and persistent racial inequities faced by communities of color.   We also discuss the effects of these trauma on the mind and body and offer strategies on how to cope during this difficult time.


Depression: How to Recognize it and How to Treat it
July 28, 2020
Zachary Cohen, PhD and

What does depression look like in yourself, in a friend or family member? What are the best treatments available now? What new treatments are on the horizon? Dr. Zachary Cohen is a clinical psychology researcher who focuses on these questions.

Resources noted in the webinar:

Managing Coronavirus Anxiety Part 3 - Expert Tips and Strategies
March 20, 2020
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
David H. Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP and

ADAA members Ken Goodman, LCSW, Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and David Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP share "top 10" tips and strategies to help manage coronavirus panic and anxiety in this short video.

Managing Stress in Sports
January 31, 2020
Mitchell Greene, PhD and

Research shows, and everyone agrees, that exercising and playing sports can be one of the best natural stress relievers we have for feelings of anxiety, depression and overwhelm.

Can Yoga Help with Depression? What Does the Research Say?
July 22, 2019
Maren Nyer, PhD and

You may have heard good things about yoga and how it can help anxiety and depression, but what does the research show? Dr.

September 28, 2018
Jessica Flores and

Depresión: una discusión de cuáles son los síntomas de la depresión clínica y cuando se debe buscar ayuda por Jessica Flores.

September 28, 2018
Karen G. Martinez, MD, MSC and

Depresión y ansiedad en niños: una discusión acerca de por qué es importante saber que la depresión y la ansiedad también puede ocurrir en niños, niñas y adolescentes por Karen G. Martinez 

August 7, 2018
Karen G. Martínez, MD, MSc and
Jessica Graham-LoPresti, PhD and

This webinar focuses on the negative impact of racism on mental health symptoms for people of color.  In addition, we will provide some coping resources to deal with the stress, anxiety, and overall emotional toll of racism.

college woman
May 31, 2018
Diana Cusumano, LMHC, NCC and
Erica Riba, LCSW and

The Jed Foundation's JED Campus advisors, Erica Riba, LCSW and Diana Cusumano, LHMC, NCC talk about depression in college students today and how the JED Campus program and other outside resources can help those who are struggling and learn skills to reach out to others.