
OCD and Sibling Relationships: How to Cope When Your Brother or Sister Has OCD
March 4, 2019
Michelle Witkin, Ph.D and

When your brother or sister has OCD, it can affect everyone in the family - even you! 

What can help? Learning about…

December 19, 2018
Deborah Ledley, PhD and

Many children and teens live in a world that is fast-paced and highly demanding in many spheres: school, social life, and family life. Sometimes the pressure comes from these outside forces, and other times the pressure comes from within. 

eating disorders
December 14, 2018
Jenni Schaefer and

“Does it ever get better?” those in eating disorder recovery often ask. Healing from an eating disorder can be such a long journey—with so many bumps along the way—that many feel hopeless and believe they might never recover.

September 28, 2018
Karen G. Martinez, MD, MSC and

Ataque de nervios: una breve explicación sobre lo que es ataque de nervios y cómo se relaciona a otras condiciones de salud mental por Karen G. Martínez

September 28, 2018
Bryan Balvaneda and

Preocupaciones: una introducción al concepto de preocupaciones para entender cuándo estas se convierten en un problema, con una breve introducción a tratamientos para las preocupaciones por Bryan Balvaneda

Las Fobias
September 28, 2018
Bryan Balvaneda and

Fobias: una discusión acerca de lo que son las fobias y cómo se pueden tratar por Bryan Balvaneda.

November 14, 2018
Rachel Busman, PsyD and

This webinar focuses on Selective Mutism, which is an anxiety disorder that renders a child, who might be otherwise chatty at home, unable to speak fully in places like school, with friends or in the community.

Reducing Suicide Risk
November 8, 2018
Suma Chand, PhD and

This webinar describes some of the factors that have been identified as operating to increase the risk of suicidal behaviors. The important protective factors that function to prevent suicide are detailed.

worry and children
October 17, 2018
Rachel Busman, PsyD and

This webinar focuses on anxiety disorders in children and adolescents and ways that caregivers can help. In addition to describing what the symptoms are, specific ways that adults can help are highlighted.

August 6, 2018
Daniel Singley, PhD and

While most mental health clinicians and organizations focus on the mother-child relationship, a wealth of research now shows that fathers can strongly impact – and be impacted by – their partners’ and babies’ well-being throughout the perinatal period.