Recorded Webinar

Doing Affirmative Cognitive Behavior Therapy with LGBTQ+ Youth and Their Families
June 7, 2024
Jeff Cohen, PsyD and
Ilana Seager van Dyk, PhD and
This CE eligible webinar with Jeffrey Cohen, PsyD and Ilana Seager van Dyk PhD, aims to provide attendees with the basic tools needed to use evidence-based clinical practice (i.e., CBT) with LGBTQ+ youth and their families using an affirming, minority stress-informed lens.
Communicating With Challenging Patients and Their Families
April 25, 2024
Lawrence Amsel, MD and
This April 25 live CE eligible webinar with Dr. Lawrence Amsel will focus on methods for improving communication and engagement and developing strategies that will avoid common misunderstandings in these clinical situations and improve both clinical efficiency and patient outcomes.
Becoming a Media Savvy Professional: Best Practices for Effective and Ethical Communication with Reporters
May 21, 2024
Simon Rego, PsyD, ABPP, A-CBT and
L. Kevin Chapman, PhD and
Anne Marie Albano, PhD, ABPP and
Melissa G. Hunt, PhD and
Learning how to interact with reporters successfully can go a long way toward minimizing negative outcomes and can help us all promote evidence based clinical science. The panel presenters all have extensive experience working with a variety of media outlets and understand potential power clinical psychologists have to educate lay people, improve public health and even influence social policy.
Your College Mental Health Packing List
March 6, 2024
Sarah Olivo, PhD and
Michael Detweiler, PhD and
Join ADAA and Lumate Health March 6 for an insightful free, live Q&A public webinar for students and parents. It can be exciting to get a college packing list. And yes, picking out dorm decorations is fun, but those new Twin XL sheets aren't going to help manage the highs and lows that come with the transition to college.
Child and Adolescent Anxiety QA
February 29, 2024
Rachel Busman, PsyD and
Lynne Siqueland, PhD and


Fear of Vomiting Emetophobia Ken Goodman
March 5, 2024
Ken Goodman, LCSW and
The fear of vomit can be all-consuming and take over one’s entire life. As worries and symptoms spin out of control, the world of an emetophobe shrinks. With limited resources, emetophobia sufferers have few places to turn for help. Join Ken Goodman, LCSW, author of The Emetophobia Manual, for a Q&A. Ken was joined by an emetophobia sufferer who participated in Ken’s ten-week emetophobia workshop.
Social Connection and Support as Targets for Youth Suicide Prevention
November 21, 2023
Cheryl King, PhD and
This presentation (sponsored by ADAA's Suicide and Self-Injury Special Interest Group) reviews converging empirical evidence arguing for the importance of belongingness and connectedness to youth suicide risk and prevention.
Navigating Your Path to Success - Q&A
February 7, 2024
Elizabeth DuPont Spencer LCSW-C and
Jill M. Emanuele, PhD - ADAA Board Member and
Michelle Patriquin, PhD, ABPP - ADAA Board Member and
Steve Strakowski, MD - ADAA Journal Editor-in-Chief, Ex-officio Board Member and
Join us February 7th for a free (for all), live Q&A partnership between ADAA and Psi Chi, where we connect students and early career professionals with seasoned mental health professionals.