
Superhero Therapy - Pop Culture Narratives to Help Clients Heal
June 2, 2022
Janina Scarlet, PhD and
This webinar focuses on how we can help clients learn to manage their feelings of loneliness and cultivate meaningful interpersonal connections, using fiction and narrative writing exercises as vehicles for fostering connection and posttraumatic growth.
Cultural Humility Webinar
November 19, 2020
Hong Nguyen, PhD and
Elizabeth Sauber, PhD. and
Cultural/diversity issues play a significant role in therapy. Reported experiences of microaggressions in the therapeutic setting are common among patients seeking mental health treatment (Davis et al., 2016) and among mental health providers (deMayo, 1997). Microaggressions have been associated with lack of treatment engagement (Crawford, 2011) and poor working alliance (Owen et al., 2010).
Woods-Jaeger Webinar
October 22, 2020
Racial Trauma, PTSD, and Health Equity: Understanding Racism as a Public Health Pandemic
July 2, 2020
Sierra Carter, PhD and
This webinar provides an overview of the ways in which racial discrimination impacts the health and well-being of Black Americans, a marginalized population that disproportionately experiences racial health disparities influenced by race-related stress. This webinar also further elucidate the importance of examining racial discrimination in the conceptualization of trauma experiences and treatments.
May 8, 2020
Sheila Rauch, PhD, ABPP and

The Phased Approach to COVID-19 Mental Health Response (PAC) is a framework for COVID-19 mental health response developed by ADAA members Drs. Sheila Rauch, Naomi Simon, and Barbara Rothbaum to aid in responding to and planning for mental health impacts of the current pandemic.

PTSD: From Cells to Communities
November 2, 2017
Kerry Ressler, MD, PhD and