
Lynne Siqueland, PhD

Parents can't be constant companions, teachers or saints at this time. You can be enough.

Patricia Thornton, PhD

I’m a specialist in the treatment of OCD and anxiety disorders. OCD is a debilitating mental health disorder whereby patients experience unwelcome, intrusive, disturbing thoughts (obsessions) that create anxiety.

Richa Bhatia, MD, FAPA

Fear, uncertainty, and anxiety are bound to be heightened with wide-scale disease outbreaks that are contagious, particularly when they involve a new, previously unknown disease-causing agent, as is the case with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Stephanie Woodrow, LCPC, NCC

The onset of OCD typically occurs during adolescenc

Shane Owens, Ph.D., ABPP and David Cennimo MD, FACP, FAAP, FIDSA

Checking my email last night, I noticed that “coronavirus” appeared in the subject line of about 70% of the messages.

Mitchell Greene, PhD

Most of us started out playing sports for fun. Practices and games were a chance to meet up with friends (old and new), to get away from our work-a-day lives, and take on an athletic challenge that got our hearts pumping and our endorphins firing.  

It’s easy to feel unsettled when we hear unsettling news on television or social media, particularly when several events happen at once.

Dave Carbonell, PhD

ADAA member Dave Carbonell, PhD wrote this blog post to accompany his new ADAA webinar. 

“The harder I try, the worst it gets!”

Karen Cassiday, PhD

Let’s face it.  The holidays can be stressful for anyone with all of the expectations for joy, gift giving and getting together with family, friends and co-workers.

Eda Gorbis PhD, LMFT

We all have that one feature on our face or bodies that we don’t like. Maybe your nose tip is a millimeter longer than you would prefer? Perhaps you feel that your cheekbones can be more pronounced? No matter the issue, body insecurity is common among us all.