
by Kaitlyn Fieseler
I want to advocate for stroke survivors to get immediate and comprehensive support for their emotional well-being. And I want to inspire someone battling depression to ask for help. I
by Antonio Liranzo
In the past year, I have been on my own journey with my anxiety. I discovered that I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder),

April is world autism awareness month, and so there is no better time to bring to light not only the challenges associated with autism, but also the most common conditions that impact this community.

One year ago, the world tuned in to see a man being murdered by a uniformed police officer while onlookers pleaded for mercy. George Floyd’s death led to numerous protests all over the world against police brutality and systemic racism experienced by Black and Brown communities.

Mindfulness and Intrusive Thoughts OCD Webinar
May 20, 2021
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
Paul Greene, PhD and
Mindfulness can be a helpful tool to understand and manage intrusive thoughts. In this webinar, Drs. Kissen & Greene will share tips and tools to apply mindfulness to these thoughts. Doing so will help you reduce anxiety and cope with the thoughts in a healthy way.
by Carima J. Cassell
I believe my experience with anxiety started much sooner than I was able to understand what the word "anxious" really meant. As a child, I struggled with my weight.
For many of us, the pandemic and now the time we are moving into post-pandemic has created an unusual situation – life as an unbroken series of days that followed the same pattern.