
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders affecting those on the autism spectrum. Anxiety can cause extreme fear, dread, sweating, restlessness, and even chest pain. “A lot of us do experience anxiety, and we struggle with it in our own ways,” says Jairo E.

by Erin Cosgrove

As a musician, my life is normally spent on the road performing, making music with people, and interacting with show-goers and friends. All of that got completely overturned when quarantine started. I was in a serious state of depression for 6 months, basically it began as soon as the pandemic started. The stress of everything happening in the world really made my mental state decline. I didn’t know how to deal with it at first and was really struggling. What helped me most was writing music.

Re-Entry Anxiety - Women Waving Graphic
May 7, 2021
Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA and
David H. Rosmarin, PhD, ABPP and
As restrictions are lifting, uncertainty is causing many people to experience anxiety. This free live webinar features an ADAA panel of experts providing tips and strategies on how to move through and past your fears and worries to reclaim your life. 
by Hara Howard

I remember it like it was yesterday. My first panic attack. I was 8 years old, and I felt like I was dying. The worries in my mind had taken over my body and it was as if I had no control over what was happening to me. Growing up, anxiety was not talked about often or understood by most people. The stigma, embarrassment, and shame led me to keep this part of me hidden.

by Lynne Siqueland People often wonder. When does it make sense to begin therapy? Therapists use two primary reasons to see if treatment would be recommended.
Marijuana and CBD Oil
February 15, 2021
Robert Yielding, PsyD and

What does the research show? Many people are using marijuana (THC) or CBD (which is derived from cannabis or hemp) to help with their anxiety symptoms. Should I be using marijuana or CBD for my anxiety?

Olivia E Bogucki, PhD

It can be challenging to control your weight. In today’s modern world, it is more convenient to order take out than to cook a meal and take the elevator instead of the stairs. Over time, a pattern of eating unhealthy foods and being sedentary can lead to excessive weight gain.

CBT Therapies for Social Anxiety Disorder: An Integrative Strategy
June 11, 2021
Larry Cohen, LICSW, A-CBT and
June 11 & 18 - Live CE/CME Eligible webinar presented by Larry Cohen, LCSW