Panic Attacks

by Gina Bell
My journey with anxiety has been a process filled with loneliness, shame, and growth. When we share about these things not only does it help us not be alone, but it normalizes something that is a common experience and challenge for so many of it. It can remove the shame and start the healing!
Anticipatory anxiety involves worry about—and the urge to avoid—not only anxiety or panic, but also disgust, anger, shame, regret, humiliation, becoming overwhelmed, or any other unwanted emotion. We think of anticipatory anxiety as a third layer of fear.
by Samantha Crager
Every day is a bit of a struggle. Dealing with anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, social anxiety, and ADD isn’t easy.
Put the Fun Back in Panic Treatment: Paradox, Defusion, and Acceptance
May 17, 2022
Dave Carbonell, PhD and
Professional Webinar Recorded at the Annual Conference - This workshop uses discussion and audience practice to develop its core premise: the key to successful treatment of panic disorder is to help people recognize, and disarm, their persistent efforts to oppose and control it, and the use of humor and paradox can greatly facilitate that work.
A Q&A with ADAA Member Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT answering community questions on overcoming agoraphobia.
by Kealee Hohmann

I am Kealee Hohmann. A confident, courageous and ambitious woman who works in the construction industry. However, physical appearance does not tell someone exactly who you are or what you have been through. I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in May of 2020.

by Yasmina Rebani-Lee

You are sitting on a chair listening to a conversation between two people. One of them is your mentor—a psychologist with a specialty in clinical psychology—and the other is a voluntary participant in a clinical research study.

Needle Anxiety - Breathing tips to manage anxiety
February 3, 2022
Alicia E. Meuret, PhD and
Erica Simon, PhD and

Many experience distress about needles. This can interfere with our healthcare, or make the experience very distressing. This webinar offers a simple breathing skill that can help and is based on many years of research. 

by Charmagne
I want to start off by saying I never knew or really understood anxiety. I have always been someone who worries, stresses, and constantly wondered "what If." It became normal and a constant in my life.