Sleep Disorders

by Gina Brown
I was diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder at the age of 23. I went on to work for many years, marry, divorce, and have three children. And in my 30s I added anxiety and schizoaffective disorder to my mental health repertoire.
by Henry Ntege
I know the road to recovery is long and fraught with challenges, but with the support of my community and the solidarity of those who share my struggle, I am committed to changing the narrative. I am no longer alone, and together, we are stepping out of the shadows to fight the unseen battles.
by Helvin Augin
When my mom saw my situation, she also understood there was something wrong. She took me to a psychiatrist and they confirmed that I had clinical depression.
CBT for Insomnia
March 7, 2023
Virginia Runko, PhD, CBSM and

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is evidence-based and is recommended as the first-line treatment for insomnia in adults.

About 4 to 6 percent of Americans suffer from nightmare disorder, also known as dream anxiety disorder, a sleep condition characterized by frequent nightmares.
by Vedant Vyas
Despite seeing so many doctors, nothing concrete was coming out in the medical diagnosis. Slowly and steadily, I crafted a strategy to fight the situation. I believed that all these negativities around me can be overcome by positivity and focusing on the good things.
by Scott O'Connor

Hi to all who struggle every day. I've been struggling with anxiety, panic attacks and depression for most my life. I have been struggling since I was a child with these disorders and have seen terrible downward spirals. I couldn't get along in school or work and keep a job to support myself, a hell of a long road that nearly never ends. And I just had to put down the best little dog anyone has ever seen.

Anxiety and Depression Support Group

New Hampshire

If you or someone you know is struggling with:

  • Stress
  • Tension
  • Anxiety - Panic
  • Mood Disorders
  • Fatigue
  • Sleeplessness
  • Anger
  • Fear - Worry
  • Helplessness
  • Hopelessness

You are not alone! Recovery International Can Help!

Learn, practice, and help yourself manage depression, anxiety, and other emotional problems with this long-proven CBT cognitive-behavioral training method from non-profit Recovery International.

by Winnie Rosen
My mental illness began to show signs the day I turned 14. Prior to this, I lived a good life. I wasn’t extremely happy but I was content. I had some friends, I did well in school, and my family relationships were ok. But on my 14th birthday, this all changed.
by Alberto Vota
Alberto has dealt with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) for five years. Here are four ways (combined with medication and therapy) that he has found helpful in managing his anxiety and depression.