
by Samantha Crager
Every day is a bit of a struggle. Dealing with anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, social anxiety, and ADD isn’t easy.
Mental Health & Medication: Debunking the Stigma - Live Q&A
May 17, 2022
Jessi Gold, MD, MS and

ADAA and Jessi Gold, MD, MS sat down for an ADAA Instagram live community discussion on mental health and medication in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

The Ethics of Burnout:  Identifying and Addressing Systemic Barriers to Self-Care and Work-Life Balance in Clinical Psychology Trainees
September 13, 2022
Melissa G. Hunt, PhD and
Identifying & Addressing Systemic Barriers to Self-Care & Work-Life Balance in Clinical Psychology Trainees.
by Daniel Vanegas
The physical aspect of my recovery, though difficult at many times, didn't come close to the mental battle I was unaware and unprepared to face. I sought out therapy. It took an adjustment period for my mind and body to find a sense of balance as I began to dig deep into the psychosis of what had happened to me. By vocalizing and working with a community I am in a much better place and want others to know they’re not alone either.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a bitter reminder that there is no end to the horrific suffering that humans are sometimes willing to inflict on others.

Our growing understanding of the relationship between racism and health has enormous implications broadly and in relation to minoritized women. Black and Brown womanhood often results in the exposure to multiple oppressive and traumatic experiences uniquely dependent on the intersection among racism, sexism, and violence. 
Motivational Webinar - Procrastination, Burnout and Stress
March 10, 2022
Kimberley Quinlan, LMFT and
In this hour-long webinar, you will learn tools and techniques to help you get (and stay) motivated, manage stress, all while treating yourself compassionately.
by John
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America has helped me through my issues. I have been a part of this community for a few years now, and when I was struggling, reading relatable stories other people have posted on ADAA has been comforting. Especially at a young age when I knew very little about mental health.
Feelings of stress and anxiety are a normal fact of life for both adults and children. This reality, while unpleasant, is best dealt with by learning how to cope with stress and anxiety rather than denying or catastrophizing its existence.