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Personal Story 04.11.2022

Healing from Anxiety and Depression - Justin's Story

I prioritized reading, journaling, meditating and therapy as the first ways to get myself back on track. I used music and my voice to talk about my experiences and the constant state of overthinking and anxiety that I was in.
Personal Story 04.04.2022

The Stigma Surrounding AAPI Mental Health

Overall, the state of mental health in the AAPI community is dire. There is still much that needs to be improved, both in terms of how we approach and how we care for those with mental illness in our Asian American/Pacific Islander communities.
Personal Story 04.04.2022

My Panic Attack

You are sitting on a chair listening to a conversation between two people.

Webinar 02.15.2022

Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment Resistant Depression

This webinar provides an overview of the history of DBS for TRD, focusing on the last 10 years of effort. During this time, there have been a number of open label and randomized controlled trials that have shed light on this therapy. The webinar also discusses current trials in this field.
Personal Story 02.15.2022

My Experiences with my Mother's Delusional Disorder

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America has helped me through my issues. I have been a part of this community for a few years now, and when I was struggling, reading relatable stories other people have posted on ADAA has been comforting. Especially at a young age when I knew very little about mental health.
Personal Story 01.31.2022

5 Meaningful Ways to Embrace Black Mental Health This February

I believe that the true display of strength comes from being willing to discuss and lean into the uncomfortable moments in life. Whether that is understanding the stages of grief, discussing the darker side of depression or even learning how to cope with social anxiety that comes with racial trauma, there is strength in embracing Black mental health.