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Personal Story 02.09.2023

Surviving GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Two years ago, I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This condition controlled my every thought and action, causing me to experience panic attacks, physical pain, and intrusive thoughts.
Personal Story 02.06.2023

If Only You’d Love Yourself

Music helped me through some of the toughest times of my depression. I’m a young adult now and I’ve been clinically depressed most of my life. Music was, and still is, my safe space.
Personal Story 01.24.2023

Teetering on a Tightrope

Have you ever seen a person walking on a tightrope suspended 150 feet above a deep gorge? What do they strive for most? Balance! That’s exactly what someone suffering from bipolar disorder requires most in their life.
Personal Story 01.09.2023

A Police Officer's Poor Coping Strategies

There are many different coping strategies people may use after experiencing trauma. They may be good and healthy, or they may be bad and unhealthy. My coping strategies were bad, unhealthy, self-destructive, and dangerous.
Personal Story 01.09.2023

Believe in yourself, you CAN get out of dark world of depression/anxiety

Despite seeing so many doctors, nothing concrete was coming out in the medical diagnosis. Slowly and steadily, I crafted a strategy to fight the situation. I believed that all these negativities around me can be overcome by positivity and focusing on the good things.
Personal Story 01.09.2023

To All Who Struggle Silently

Hi to all who struggle every day. I've been struggling with anxiety, panic attacks and depression for most my life. I have been struggling since I was a child with these disorders and have seen terrible downward spirals.

Personal Story 01.06.2023

Who I Really Am

This song is dedicated and directed to those who suffer from the condition commonly known as anxiety. As someone suffering from anxiety, I have found art as my outlet to express my feelings and combat my condition. 
Personal Story 01.06.2023

My Three Steps: How I Went from Socially Anxious to Socially Confident

You might think being able to strategize is a good thing, but when it involves hours and hours of time thinking of ways to get out of having to ask a question, give a presentation, speak up in class, and generally avoid most social interaction, it can be detrimental.
Personal Story 01.03.2023

Learning To Be Me Again

Having anxiety hasn't been easy. I learned that I have to be okay with uncertainty in my life and that not everything is always going to go the way I have planned in my head.
Personal Story 12.12.2022

A Teen's Story

I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression when I was 13. I found out what mental health was a couple of days later by having a panic attack. After going to a therapist my mental health was getting better. Two years later my cousin passed away in a car crash.