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Personal Story 09.28.2022

Fighting for my Kids and my Mental Health

This is something that I still battle with every single day. I am just now at a point in my life where my anxiety and depression are somewhat manageable. I do still have flair-ups, but I have learned how to manage them for the most part. 
Personal Story 09.22.2022

A Widow's Perspective as a Suicide Loss Survivor

I made this video for others to see a different perspective of how suicide can impact a family. A widow's perspective. I want to share my story in hopes that it will give someone the feeling of validation and understanding.
Personal Story 09.16.2022

Keep Moving Forward

I stream on twitch when I have the time and when I'm not working. When I started the streams, it finally gave me a chance to open up and talk to people, which is something I really needed.
Personal Story 09.01.2022

The Custom Journal

 The Custom Journal is a wellness company that uses the power

Personal Story 08.31.2022

Living with Uncontrollable: Emetophobia

I wanted to share my story to let people know they aren’t alone. Emetophobia is a lot more common than you think. It’s fixable, and it’s okay to get help.
Personal Story 08.01.2022


I’ve always been passionate about fitness. I think that it does so much good for both the body and the mind. My passion led me to become a personal trainer, which while it could be extremely rewarding, also exposed how degrading and selfish the fitness industry could be. Even though I loved helping my clients change their lives and find new self-confidence, I grew disenchanted with the industry as a whole and eventually had to get out.
Personal Story 07.26.2022

My Journey Towards Achieving Good Mental Health

My mental illness began to show signs the day I turned 14. Prior to this, I lived a good life. I wasn’t extremely happy but I was content. I had some friends, I did well in school, and my family relationships were ok. But on my 14th birthday, this all changed.
Personal Story 06.30.2022

Lighting the Way for Others: Hope and Life Renewed

I woke up that day in early September feeling okay at first but around 8am, I became very depressed for no reason I could say exactly. I told my mother (grandmother) that I was going to go for a walk, but I had another plan. There is a 15–20-foot lighthouse by a lake near where I live. It is a truly beautiful place but, on this day, it wasn't so beautiful. 
Personal Story 06.30.2022

Celebrating Progress: Why the Celebration of Juneteenth Matters to the Black Community

For me as a Black woman, the celebration of Juneteenth is much more than just a 24-hour long holiday. Instead, it painfully reminds me of the strength, trauma and extreme sacrifice my ancestors experienced in order for me to be afforded the opportunities I have today. It also serves as a reminder of the continued work we need to do to ensure future generations are provided the same, if not additional, opportunities.