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Webinar 04.09.2021

How To Overcome COVID Re-entry Anxiety

As restrictions are lifting, uncertainty is causing many people to experience anxiety. This free live webinar features an ADAA panel of experts providing tips and strategies on how to move through and past your fears and worries to reclaim your life. 
Webinar 03.03.2021

Optimizing Exposure Therapy for Youth with Complex Comorbidities and Presentations

Featuring Emily M. Becker-Haimes, PhD and Hannah E. Frank, PhD. This workshop will describe how clinicians can leverage principles of exposure theory to guide case conceptualization, using a four-step model of exposure therapy practice that can be integrated with other interventions as needed to best suit clients’ individual needs.
Webinar 02.22.2021

Walking Through Fire: Overcoming Pandemic Burnout

April 15 live CE/CME eligible webinar with Karen Cassiday, PhD will describe the known symptoms of professional burnout, how they differ from depression and how they might manifest in a mental health professional.
Webinar 02.22.2021

How I Beat COVID-19 Anxiety

ADAA Board member and health anxiety expert, Ken Goodman LCSW, shares helpful tips and strategies to manage COVID anxiety. Ken also interviews a former patient who struggled with COVID health anxiety.


Webinar 02.17.2021

¿Qué es la depresión? (What is Depression)

En esta conferencia por Internet, estaremos discutiendo qué es la depresión clínica, con qué condiciones se ve asociada y quiénes estan a riesgo.  Además, se discutirá cuándo buscar ayuda de un profesional.

Webinar 02.17.2021

Ethics and Self-Care for Mental Health Professionals

This participatory CE/CME workshop provided a theoretical basis for understanding the impact of current stressors on our competence as mental health professionals and outline evidence-based approaches to caring for ourselves and our colleagues.
Webinar 02.16.2021

Marijuana and CBD: Benefit or Harm for Anxiety?

What does the research show? Many people are using marijuana (THC) or CBD (which is derived from cannabis or hemp) to help with their anxiety symptoms. Should I be using marijuana or CBD for my anxiety?