
Avoidant Personality – Underdiagnosed and Undertreated
August 12, 2022
James H. Reich, MD and
Relatively little has been written on Avoidant Personality Disorder (APD) on its own. This webinar will introduce clinicians to APD, review it’s prevalence, and discuss psychological and pharmacological treatment approaches. Free CE/CME credit for members.
Nutraceuticals and Herbs for Depression and Anxiety
April 21, 2022
David Mischoulon, MD, PhD and
The presentation will review selected nutraceutical and herbal remedies that are used for treating depression and anxiety.
Science and Media in the Pandemic: The Media, Medicine, and Mental Health
September 21, 2021
Shane Owens, PhD and
Aneri Pattani and
David J. Cennimo, MD and

Cannabis Research - Mental Health Webinar
September 16, 2021
Martin Paulus, PhD, Scientific Council Chair and
Upcoming live webinar featuring Martin Paulus, PhD. A study of recent publications need to be considered when one decides to use cannabis or need to be balanced against potential beneficial effects of cannabis.
Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors Mental Health Professional Webinar Image
November 18, 2021
Marla Deibler, PsyD and
Renae M. Reinardy, PsyD and
This professional webinar presented will discuss Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors and the need for the advances in the treatment.
2021 Fall Forum: Depression Across the Lifespan
October 21, 2021
Alan F. Schatzberg, MD and
Gabriela Livas Stein, PhD and
Namkee Choi, PhD and
Shawn Jones, PhD, MHS and
Gabrielle Liverant, PhD and
David Mischoulon, MD, PhD and
Barbara Kamholz, PhD, ABPP Senior Advisor, Professional Education  and
ADAA's annual Fall Forum - eligible for 2-3 CE/CME credits brought together a panel of renowned experts in an engaging and interactive presentation.
Optimizing Exposure Therapy for Youth with Complex Comorbidities and Presentations
July 20, 2021
Emily M. Becker-Haimes, PhD and
Hannah E. Frank, PhD and
Featuring Emily M. Becker-Haimes, PhD and Hannah E. Frank, PhD. This workshop will describe how clinicians can leverage principles of exposure theory to guide case conceptualization, using a four-step model of exposure therapy practice that can be integrated with other interventions as needed to best suit clients’ individual needs.
April 15, 2021
Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT and
April 15 live CE/CME eligible webinar with Karen Cassiday, PhD will describe the known symptoms of professional burnout, how they differ from depression and how they might manifest in a mental health professional.
CBT Therapies for Social Anxiety Disorder: An Integrative Strategy
June 11, 2021
Larry Cohen, LICSW, A-CBT and
June 11 & 18 - Live CE/CME Eligible webinar presented by Larry Cohen, LCSW
Family Accommodations Webinar - OCD
February 4, 2021