Early Career Professionals

As an ADAA member you enjoy many great benefits. But did you know that joining ADAA also enhances your professional growth?
It’s one thing to get an employee in the door. It’s another to retain them for the long-term.
It’s no secret that the healthcare industry is struggling to find and retain top talent. While the workforce landscape is competitive, recruiting talented employees is not impossible.
When a person seeks information about treatment for themselves or their loved one, the importance of connecting them with the appropriate level of care right from the start cannot be overstated.
Dr. Widge presented at ADAA’s 2023 conference on how he believes “mental disorders are brain network disorders” and how treatments like Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) are quite possibly the wave of the future for certain mood and anxiety disorders, and particularly those that are treatment-resistant. 
ADAA had the chance to chat with the 2023 Donald F. Klein awardee, Emily L. Belleau, PhD, and the 2022 awardee, Sage E. Hawn, PhD, about the award and what it means to each of them. Speaking together, the two clinicians were an impressive duo, each with her own set of skills, knowledge and study, working on separate but incredibly meaningful and valuable research. Both Dr. Hawn and Dr. Belleau expressed the importance of being recognized by ADAA for their work and the significance of their studies.
Elizabeth DuPont Spencer

Are you a newly trained CBT therapist, wondering how to start your first independent practice?  Perhaps you want to join an existing group of therapists, or you dream of renting an office and having your own practice.  When I talk to our students and members at

1. Know the conference theme.

Every year, ADAA's annual conference has a theme. Be sure to consider how your submission may fit within the conference theme, and reference this in your submission!

2. Establish your target audience.

So definitely submit to present. You do have something to offer either as primarily a therapist or a researcher or both. Do not doubt, just submit and see what happens. Conference submissions are not weighted based on presenters in the review process, so you have just as good a chance at acceptance as more senior submitters if you have an interesting and well written proposal.

If you're like me, this may be one of the first in-person professional conferences you've attended for the past 2 years!