
Increasing homework compliance in evidence-based treatment for PTSD (and other diagnoses): Clinical Application of Theory, Technique, and Technology
June 27, 2024
Peter W. Tuerk, PhD and
This CE/CME eligible webinar is focused on increasing patient homework compliance in evidence-based treatment for PTSD via the application of behavioral theory, specified clinical techniques, and the use of easily available technologies.
When to start, modify, and pause ERP for OCD Treatment
April 12, 2024
Tyler Grove, PhD and
ADAA 2024 Conference Recorded Presentation by Tyler Grove, PhD – University of Michigan, Department of Psychiatry. This talk aims to unpack the decisions behind starting, modifying, and pausing ERP with a patient. We will examine example cases and apply research findings to develop guidelines for this challenging decision-making process.
The Myth of "Having it All"  - Professional Development Webinar
March 1, 2023
Karen Cassiday, PhD, ACT and
Beth Salcedo, MD and
Krystal Lewis, PhD - ADAA Board Member and

The Myth of “Having it All:” Finding your Work-Life Rhythm for Female- and Women-Identified Mental Health Care Professionals


Alternative Taxonomies to the DSM 5 with a Focus on Internalizing Symptoms - Metal Health Professional Webinar
May 4, 2023
Antonia Kaczkurkin, PhD and
This May 4th live webinar will introduce participants to the concerns raised about our current mental health classification system (DSM-5), to become familiar with the research exploring alternative taxonomies, and to understand how this may impact the future classification of internalizing disorders (anxiety and depressive disorders) in particular.
Psilocybin-assisted Psychotherapy - Mood Disorder Treatment
January 27, 2022
Greg Fonzo, PhD and
There is a recent and growing resurgence of interest in the potential for psychedelic compounds to be utilized as treatments for mood and anxiety disorders. Learn about a broad overview of the history, current clinical practice, and potential therapeutic mechanisms underlying psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy.
Science and Media in the Pandemic: The Media, Medicine, and Mental Health
September 21, 2021
Shane Owens, PhD and
Aneri Pattani and
David J. Cennimo, MD and

Science and Media in the Pandemic: Psychologists and the Media
September 28, 2021
Shane Owens, PhD and
Kristin Bianchi, PhD and
L. Kevin Chapman, PhD and
Simon Rego, PsyD, ABPP, A-CBT and
In this webinar, four psychologists discuss their activities across media outlets.
Cannabis Research - Mental Health Webinar
September 16, 2021
Martin Paulus, PhD, Scientific Council Chair and
Upcoming live webinar featuring Martin Paulus, PhD. A study of recent publications need to be considered when one decides to use cannabis or need to be balanced against potential beneficial effects of cannabis.
Research Feature - Anxiety Spectrum
July 1, 2021
Annmarie MacNamara, PhD and

Research Feature - Mapping An Anxiety Spectrum: A Neurobiological Marker of Severity and Prognosis In Mood and Anxiety Disorders

#ADAA2021Virtual Donald F. Klein Awardee Research Presentation

ADAA Research - CBT or Supportive Psychotherapy for BDD
July 1, 2021
Hilary Weingarden, PhD and
Although remission rates are key efficacy benchmarks that patients are likely to ask for before beginning psychotherapy, little data exist on remission rates after psychotherapy for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). This webinar presents remission rates following 24 weeks of therapist-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or supportive psychotherapy (SPT) for BDD (N=120), using secondary data from a large, randomized controlled trial (Wilhelm et al., 2019).