
Elisa Nebolsine, LCSW

The virus has upended the world as we know it, and kids are struggling.  Kids were not meant to live this way.  None of us were meant to live this way, but as a child therapist, I have a specia

Stop the Worry Cycle
January 1, 2021
Kari Gregory MS, LPC, LCPC and

Worry is common.  It becomes problematic when it is excessive, intrusive and constant.  It's hard to turn off worry because it feels like problem solving.  Learn how problem solving becomes a reinforcement loop and how to break that cycle.


Patricia E. Zurita Ona, PsyD

Anya, a 26-year-old, was in charge of organizing the schedule for the annual camping trip with her college classmates. She was excited and ready to make phone calls and gather prices for transportation, camping sites, etc.

Patricia E. Zurita Ona, PsyD

Have your clients faced those situations where, in getting ready to make values-based exposure exercises, their minds come up with thoughts along the lines of, “It will be too much; I won’t be able to handle it; It will be a disaster; how do I know it’s going to work; Do I really have to do it?”

by Carlos Torres
“XIETY” was inspired by my very own journey with generalized anxiety. It’s an internal battle I’ve struggled with for years all while keeping it hidden from 98% of those who know me.
Cultural Humility Webinar
November 19, 2020
Hong Nguyen, PhD and
Elizabeth Sauber, PhD. and
Cultural/diversity issues play a significant role in therapy. Reported experiences of microaggressions in the therapeutic setting are common among patients seeking mental health treatment (Davis et al., 2016) and among mental health providers (deMayo, 1997). Microaggressions have been associated with lack of treatment engagement (Crawford, 2011) and poor working alliance (Owen et al., 2010).
by Charles Phillips

In 2014, I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder.  Although I received the diagnosis when I was twenty-seven, it was something I always struggled with.  In my book, Conquering Mountains, I share the experiences I have had that led to this diagnosis.  From the age of six when I heard the sound of my dad’s mighty right hand striking my mother.  To the worries of where we would live after evictions.  The stress of moving from place to place, year after year.

by Brittany Cissell

My name is Brittany Cissell. I am a Pre-K teacher in Springdale Arkansas, and I am the author and illustrator of Otis the Aussiedoodle. Otis is my 3-year-old Australian Shepard/Poodle mix. He joined our family in February 2020, after being re-homed. Otis was originally saved from a suspected puppy mill and was in pretty bad condition when he was adopted.

by Sheri Miller

When I wrote this song, someone close to me was suffering with depression, and I deeply desired with all my heart and soul to soothe them, give them relief.  This song was my gift, a message of love to them.  

Woods-Jaeger Webinar
October 22, 2020