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Page 12.10.2009

Social Anxiety Disorder and Alcohol Abuse

At around the age of 10, I became aware that I was different. I felt intense social anxiety. I had no skills to use to interact socially with my peers. I was quiet and blended into the walls.

Article 12.10.2009

Anxiety and Depression in Children

It is not uncommon for children to be diagnosed with both depression and an anxiety disorder, or depression and general anxiety. About half of people diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Page 12.10.2009

Treatment FAQs

Is treatment necessary? Will my child’s anxiety disorder go away on its own? Will he grow out of it?

Like other medical conditions, anxiety disorders tend to be chronic unless properly treated.

Page 12.09.2009

Generalized Anxiety Disorder vs. General Anxiety About Your Finances

Whether you’re fretting about how to pay your bills or foot the costs for college, watching your retirement savings shrink, worrying about a possible layoff—or even if you’re happily employed but nervously following the news about the ups and downs of the economy, these can be anxiety-provoking s