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Elsevier is the proud publisher of Journal of Mood & Anxiety Disorders™, the new open access official publication of the Anxiety & Depression Association of America to be launched in 2023. Our ScienceDirect platform combines authoritative full-text scientific, technical and health publications with smart, intuitive functionality so that users can stay informed in their fields and can work more effectively and efficiently.  Visit to learn more about us and our journals.

Event Title
Master Clinician and Track Sessions (Simu‐Live with Live Q&A)
Event Description
  • Curiosity Training: The Important of EXTERNAL Mindfulness in CBT for Social Anxiety (Master Clinician)    
  • Beyond Cultural Competency: Contemplative Approaches to Working with Clinicians’ Racial Anxiety and Avoidance in Therapy (Master Clinician
  • Contextual Behavioral Approaches to Reducing Minority Stress Among Sexual and Gender Minority Clients (Master Clinician)    
  • Cannabis, Anxiety, and Depression: Cause for Pause of Peace of Mind? (Special Topic Session)
  • Anxiety and Depression Rounds: Challenging Cases in the Real Work of  Psychotherapy (Both Tracks)       
  • “I Feel Stuck”: Helping Kids Manage Anxiety and Remain Productive with Remote with Remote Learning (Both Tracks)
  • The COVID‐19 Pandemic and Mental Health: Risk Factors and Changes in  Internalizing Symptoms Across the Lifespan (Both Tracks)       
  • Building Resilience to Prevent Suicide: New interventions (Both Tracks)       
  • Developmental Biology of Resilience and Vulnerability: Genetics, Endocrines, Neuroimaging, and Inflammation (Both Tracks)
  • Using Digital Health Technology to Bridge Access to Care for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Anxiety Disorders (Both Tracks)
Additional Resources

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

What is an eating disorder?

What are phobias?