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Ways You Can Make a Difference

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Taking Action empowers you and strengthens the entire community.

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You can make an online gift in honor of or in memory of a loved one.* 

  • And thousands of companies match donations from employees to support ADAA's mission! As a small non-profit organization your donations are critical to help us provide millions struggling with anxiety and depression free evidence-based research through the alignment of science and treatment.

You can share your personal story and inspire others to seek help and find hope. 

You can create your own peer-to-peer fundraising campaign and fundraise for ADAA too help us raise awareness and work with us to #breakthestigma around mental health.

You can become an ADAA Corporate Partner.  Community and corporate partnerships are key to ADAA's mission and vision.

You can make a stock donation gift, a legacy gift and more. ADAA offers an EFT option for donations with many grant and trust organizations.

You can make a difference by shopping at one of our small business partners. When you buy from these businesses, you support ADAA's mission.

  • *ADAA is a 501(c)3 organization. As no goods or services are provided in return for any charitable contributions, the entire amount of your donation is tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. ADAA is a 501(c)(3) and can accept contributions from family, corporate, and private foundations. Contact Susan Gurley, ADAA Executive Director, for more information. 
  • To send your gift by U.S. Mail, please make your check payable to ADAA and mail it to ADAA, 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 412, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
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