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Page 08.12.2010

Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens

Children and teens with bipolar disorder experience unusual and extreme mood changes, which can affect energy and behavior. These changes are different from  normal childhood and adolescent ups and downs.

Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Anxiety Disorders — What Is Normal?

What’s the difference between stress and anxiety? Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, worried, or even anxious. Anxiety is a reaction to the stress, a feeling of apprehension or fear.

Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Defining Anxiety Disorders

Discover when you should become concerned that you might have an anxiety disorder.

Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Learn the symptoms typical of anxiety disorders, and in particular of GAD, or generalized anxiety disorder. The symptoms of each anxiety disorder vary in different people, but they all provoke extreme fear or worry that interferes with daily life.

Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Treatment for GAD

Effective treatment options, including medications, are available for people who are diagnosed with GAD and other anxiety disorders.

Personal Story 07.16.2010

Fighting the Monster of OCD

As a child, I was gregarious, outgoing, and happy-go-lucky. Then something went horribly askew at about age 12. I did not know why I was unable to focus when I had been the best reader in school. I had been talkative, but I kept to myself, remained silent, and let bullies pick on me.

Sometimes I felt as if all my thoughts were leaves in a pile on a lawn, and a huge gust of wind would blow them all around.