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Page 08.25.2011

Severe Storms: How to Reduce Your Anxiety

Anticipating the arrival of a hurricane, tornado, blizzard, or any severe storm strikes fear and anxiety in the people in its path for good reason. Natural disasters disrupt lives in significant ways, including creating physical and mental health problems and major economic challenges.

Article 06.16.2011

Myths & Realities

The Internet abounds in information and misinformation about panic attacks.
Personal Story 05.06.2011

The Throes of Severe OCD: a Mother’s Perspective

Janet Singer-OCD-personal-storyMy son Dan was in college, and by the time I arrived at his dorm, he had not eaten in more than a week.

I advise anyone dealing with OCD to find a competent therapist who specializes in this illness.
Personal Story 04.22.2011

Living With OCD: One Woman's Story

The anxiety and shame started when Diance was 25. She was sitting in a pew at her church, where she is active in the ministry. It seemed to come out of nowhere. She felt as if she were going to jump out of her skin.

Anxiety and shame seemed to come out of nowhere. She felt as if she were going to jump out of her skin.
Personal Story 04.22.2011

Obsessed With Control

Melissa Binstock-websize

I had a great aha moment: If I could change my thoughts, I could also change my feelings.
Personal Story 12.10.2010

Childhood Panic—and Hope

It started at the onset of puberty, when I was 11 years old. I was at school, watching my older sister load the school bus to be taken away to 6th-grade camp. Suddenly a wave of panic overcame me. I don't recall my physical symptoms other than a racing heart and nausea.

I?m trying to get off medication so I can have a baby. It's been tough and I've experienced many setbacks, but I haven't given up.
Article 11.11.2010

Older Adults

Experts now recognize that aging and anxiety are not mutually exclusive: Anxiety is as common among the old as among the young
Personal Story 10.29.2010

Ending the Nightmare

Michael Timmermann, personal storyAn excellent student, a talented singer and musician, a competitive athlete.

Shortly after beginning CBT, I was able to discontinue medication and stop seeing a therapist.