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CE/CME Information

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Webinar Submissions

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Member Research Labs

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Finding Help for Anxiety and Depression

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In this section, you’ll find treatment help, resources for support and tips for helping friends and relatives.

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  • Learn about the many treatment options for anxiety disorders, depression, and related disorders, including how to choose a therapist, under Treatment.
  • Reach out to others experiencing anxiety in Getting Support, where you’ll find national support group listings and ADAA's peer-to-peer free communities.
  • Search for anxiety ad depression information for any demographic and age group.
  • Find a list of self-help publications about anxiety, depression, and related disorders for children and adults, written by ADAA members who are leading experts.
  • Learn how to apply for Social Security Disability benefits if you have an anxiety disorder,  depression, or other disorders.
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Members in the News

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Research & Practice 

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Committees & SIGs

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