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ADAA’s Education Programs –

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for Professionals and the Public

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ADAA’s education programs include continuing professional education webinars, programs for the public, and sessions/workshops at our annual conference.


Learn more about ADAA's:


ADAA may offer a $200 honorarium for the development of public and professional live or recorded webinar content. Review our honoraria guidelines

For any questions related to our public and professional continuing education programs, contact ADAA.


Professional Webinars         Public Webinars    



ADAA’s peer- to- peer continuing education programs, supports patient care and accelerates the dissemination of research into practice by promoting the implementation of evidence-based treatments and best practices. ADAA’s continuing education programs are developed and hosted by member and non-member experts and often offer CE/CME credit. CE/CME credit are complimentary for ADAA members.


ADAA’s professional education offerings include the opportunity to submit session abstracts and posters for ADAA's annual conference, participate or host live and on-demand professional webinars, engage in peer consultation groups (members only), develop and listen to podcastsblog posts and blog posts. ADAA also offers complimentary educational offerings hosted by partner organizations.


Annual conference


ADAA convenes an annual conference usually in March or April that brings together clinicians, social workers, psychiatrists, researchers, and other experts who want to improve treatments and find cures for anxiety, depression, and co-occurring disorders.


Public ed opportunities


ADAA’s public education programs allow members and non-members to share their expertise to help the public manage life with an anxiety depression or related disorder through various learning tools.  In 2021 ADAA had 11 million unique visitors to our website. You can make a difference by sharing your expertise with the public. Help us expand our free evidence-based resources for the public.


ADAA public webinars are also a great resource for clinicians to share with their clients.



Opinions and findings presented in our education programs, including our annual conferences are not necessarily representative of those held by ADAA. 

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Will You Be There?

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ADAA Upcoming Conferences:


  • The ADAA 2023 Washington DC Conference | April 13 - April 16, 2023
  • The ADAA 2024 Boston Conference | April 11 - April 15, 2024
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The ADAA conference brings together clinicians and researchers from across the US and around the world who want to improve treatments and find cures for anxiety, depression, and co-occurring disorders.


More Information available soon.

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Choose from a broad range of sessions, workshops and symposia, hear engaging plenary speakers, learn about cutting-edge thinking, and earn CEs and CMEs. 

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#ADAAA2023 Conference Updates


Benefits of ADAA professional membership: +

  • Promote your practice in Find a Therapist, online searchable database (averages of 16,000 views per month). Add your practice's weblink at no additional charge.
         • One additional address $45
  • List your clinical trials and support groups for free on ADAA website.
  • Gain free online access to Depression and Anxiety, ADAA’s official online journal. With an impact factor of 5.004, this journal ranks 19 of 140 in psychiatry journals and 10 of 76 in psychology journals.
  • Network in person and online through the members-only online community. Form relationships that can advance your goals and career.
  • Save with your significant discount on the registration fee to attend the ADAA Annual Conference --the only one focused on the scientific understanding, prevention, and treatment of anxiety, depressive, trauma-related, and obsessive-compulsive disorders across the lifespan.  Earn CE and CME credits at no extra charge!
  • Participate in ADAA committees, educational programs, publications, and governance when you join a committee or a special interest group.

Eligibility Requirements +

One or both of the following:

  1. Independently licensed health care clinician or scientist-practitioner in any area related to ADAA’s mission (e.g., psychiatrist, social worker, psychologist, LMHC, family medicine provider, primary care provider, advanced practice nurse, physician assistant, or other).
  2. Researcher in any area related to ADAA’s mission (e.g., psychiatrist, advanced practice nurse, social worker, psychologist, neurologist, neuroscientist, geneticist, or other).

Willing to submit and maintain your clinical license number (if applicable)

Have no ethical violations according to your state and professional code of conduct, and/or relevant institutional review board(s), as applicable. 


Download a membership application and return it as an email attachment to ADAA.

Questions? Contact ADAA.

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Institutional Membership

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